Article I: Name

The name of this organization shall be the Council on Disability Awareness (hereinafter referred to as the Council.)

Article II: Mission & Vision Statements

Mission: The Council supports campus experiences for people with disabilities that align with the University of Iowa core values of community, diversity, integrity, respect and responsibility.  The Council seeks advancement of a university community that embraces the full inclusion of people with disabilities who are here to learn, work, receive care, or visit.

Vision: A university community infrastructure and culture which embodies inclusiveness, dignity, and respect for individuals with disabilities.

Article III: Membership

Members of the university community committed to the Council’s mission statement may become members of the Council. The Council Co-Chairs shall maintain a membership list. Members are encouraged to renew their membership annually by notifying the Co-Chairs by September. The Council encourages diversity among its members, and welcomes faculty, staff, students and community members to serve on the Council.

Article IV: Meeting


The Council shall meet monthly or as appropriate. The chair(s) may call special meetings as necessary.


Five voting members constitute a quorum.

Voting Rights

Each member of the Council shall have one vote. New members have no vote until they have attended two meetings, then at the third meeting, member will become a voting member. A motion shall pass by simple majority of quorum.

Article V: Officers

The Council’s officers shall consist of two Co-Chairs, Secretary, Public Relations Coordinator, Treasurer, and Webmaster. These officers shall comprise the Executive Committee. Any member may nominate a candidate, or candidates may self-nominate. The term of office shall be one year. All members of the Executive Committee must be voting members of the Council. The election shall be held in May. New officers shall assume office in June.

Duties and Responsibilities of Officer Positions

  • Prepare the agenda for Council meetings
  • Preside at Council meetings
  • Determine annual funding needs and identify possible funding sources
  • Prepare an annual report of the Council’s activities
  • Represent the Council at appropriate University Committees and functions as needed to advocate the Council’s mission


  • Record discussion points and action items discussed at Council
  • Post monthly minutes to the CDA website and email to the CDA Listserv
  • Obtain list of attendees at Council meetings
  • Send discussion points, action items, and attendee list to Co-Chairs

Public Relations Coordinator

  • Promote Council activities, events, and membership


  • Manage and monitor CDA funds

IT Coordinator

  • Maintains CDA website

Article VI: Committees

The Council may create ad hoc committees as necessary. Any member may serve on ad hoc committees. Ad hoc committees present recommendations for action to Council for a vote by voting members.

Article VII: Amendments

The Council’s by-laws can be amended by a two-thirds majority of attending members in a vote at a monthly meeting.