Friday, September 25, 2020

Attendance: Patti Bahr, Kirk Corey, Brad Ferrier, Mike Meginnis, David Rooney, T.M. Weissenberger

  1. Patti reminds us of the Johnson County ADA celebration taking place Saturday, October 3rd.
  2. Discussion of the Disability Zone training.
    1. In Cueponi Cihuatl’s absence, Brad has secured the files produced by this effort, and will share them with Mike for backing up in the CDE drive. Brad will wait for a response from his supervisor, then reach out to Bria Marcello at Diversity Resources.
    2. Mike clarified that CDE does not wish to take ownership of this effort, but will support the effort as we are able.
    3. It was discussed that CDA could possibly take on a leadership role, beginning with reviewing materials provided by Brad, as well as looking for overlaps with existing trainings and materials.
  3. Kirk, T.M., and Patti have been parties to conversations regarding real-time automated captioning.
    1. A request from the hospitals regarding automated captioning led to an effort with many complications.
    2. can theoretically integrate with, but this has its issues. Zoom is also beta testing its own internal automatic captioning.
    3. There is some capacity for automatic captioning in Microsoft Teams, but Teams is not widely adopted across campus.
      1. Teams may be successfully using information gathered from our MS Office interactions to caption more accurately regarding terms of art, etc. PowerPoint sometimes does the same thing within a given presentation.
    4. Ohio State has assembled resources regarding when different tools are good or adequate; we will hopefully provide similar guidelines.
    5. There was some discussion of how using tools like PowerPoint’s auto captioning and Panopto’s recording and transcription features can be more helpful and more widely adopted than most people realize.
    6. Mike will make an effort to compare the different transcripts provided by Panopto and YouTube for several videos he has handy.
      1. T.M. shared some techniques for comparing caption texts using word count, spell check, grammar check features in MS Word.
  4. There was discussion of the current status of the Accessibility Action Plan.
  5. David shared that Student Disability Services has established a student advisory board (SDSSAB).
    1. Students include a mix of undergrad and grad students. Focus right now is establishing and sustaining the group.
  6. T.M. noted that Mike Hoenig has elected to step away. We hope to recognize his service at the next meeting.