Friday, October 23, 2020

Attendance: Patti Bahr, Kirk Corey, Mike Meginnis, Michael Penniman, Laura Perry, David Rooney, Elizabeth Wallace, T.M. Weissenberger

  1. Began the meeting with introductions.
  2. Patti shared that two fellows have been selected at the UCEDD, and discussed the work of the previous fellows at UI, including research and the production of a play.
    1. There was a much larger applicant pool this year: three applied last year, 20 applied this year.
    2. The new fellows are working in law and counseling, and will join the CDA at a later meeting.
  3. Michael Penniman shared information about his nonprofit, Students Care, which helps to serve students with disabilities.
  4. Elizabeth shared information about upcoming Stanley Museum programming.
  5. T.M. shared information about the Accessibility Action Team (AAT).
    1. Students previously approached DDEI and Student Life with concerns about accessibility of facilities, technology, etc.
    2. AAT was created with people from across campus and students to work on these issues.
    3. There will be a new meeting of the AAT to discuss 5 goals, available at
    4. T.M. solicited involvement in the working group.
    5. There was discussion regarding the AAT’s processes and plans.
    6. We reviewed the five goals that will be under discussion at the meeting.
      1. Increase the accessibility of physical spaces, increase and expand digital resources.
      2. Develop a clear process for various accommodations needs.
        1. There was discussion of adding an item about mental health accommodations to this goal.
      3. Identify and revise systematically oppressive policies and practices to increase accessibility.
      4. Foster a culture of dignity and respect to increase sense of belonging and inclusion.
      5. Collect and utilize data and national best practices to inform decision making.
  6. There was some discussion of a Disabilities @Work event hosted by SDS and Pomerantz.
  7. There will be one more meeting of the CDA this year, on December 11.