Attendance: Patti Bahr, Kirk Corey, Mike Meginnis, Michael Penniman, Laura Perry, David Rooney, Elizabeth Wallace, T.M. Weissenberger
- Began the meeting with introductions.
- Patti shared that two fellows have been selected at the UCEDD, and discussed the work of the previous fellows at UI, including research and the production of a play.
- There was a much larger applicant pool this year: three applied last year, 20 applied this year.
- The new fellows are working in law and counseling, and will join the CDA at a later meeting.
- Michael Penniman shared information about his nonprofit, Students Care, which helps to serve students with disabilities.
- Elizabeth shared information about upcoming Stanley Museum programming.
- T.M. shared information about the Accessibility Action Team (AAT).
- Students previously approached DDEI and Student Life with concerns about accessibility of facilities, technology, etc.
- AAT was created with people from across campus and students to work on these issues.
- There will be a new meeting of the AAT to discuss 5 goals, available at
- T.M. solicited involvement in the working group.
- There was discussion regarding the AAT’s processes and plans.
- We reviewed the five goals that will be under discussion at the meeting.
- Increase the accessibility of physical spaces, increase and expand digital resources.
- Develop a clear process for various accommodations needs.
- There was discussion of adding an item about mental health accommodations to this goal.
- Identify and revise systematically oppressive policies and practices to increase accessibility.
- Foster a culture of dignity and respect to increase sense of belonging and inclusion.
- Collect and utilize data and national best practices to inform decision making.
- There was some discussion of a Disabilities @Work event hosted by SDS and Pomerantz.
- There will be one more meeting of the CDA this year, on December 11.