Attendance: Patti Bahr, Kirk Corey, Brad Ferrier, Mike Meginnis, Megan Meyer, Janalyn Moss, Michael Penniman, Laura Perry, David Rooney, Elizabeth Wallace, T.M. Weissenberger
- General announcements:
- Elizabeth mentioned sharing info on the ListServ from architects with regard to questions about accessibility in the museum. Elizabeth will continue to advocate for accessibility in the museum and its website. Elizabeth also would be happy to include folks in this process—contact
- Michael P. shared that Dr. Harris has retired as director of Student Disability Services. Mike Venson is currently leading the department.
- Patti shared that she and T.M. have added a course on how to make accessible materials to UI Learn, and so far people are taking advantage. Course is called “Creating Accessible Materials,” available at
- UI Learn is outward-facing, so anyone can benefit from it.
- There was discussion of the interviews of and presentations by potential assistant directors for Diversity Resources.
- During one conversation at an interview, it was discussed that maybe some courses could be posted to UI Learn to improve their availability to the general public.
- There was discussion of requesting that the successful candidate join us for a CDA meeting.
- Mike shared that disability has come up as a regular topic during open discussions with the applicants for the CDE academic coaching position.
- T.M. shared information about the OneIT@Iowa project ( and reviewed its critical tasks.
- T.M. solicited feedback via Qualtrics survey:
- T.M. reminded everyone that officer elections will be held in May.