Friday, February 26, 2021

Attendance: Bailey Anderson, Patti Bahr, Brad Ferrier, Mike Meginnis, Megan Meyer, Michael Penniman, Laura Perry, David Rooney, Elizabeth Wallace, T.M. Weissenberger

  1. Potential action items:
    1. T.M. and other members summarized previous awareness campaigns and efforts of the CDA for the benefit of newer members.
    2. Megan shared that rare disease communities have been doing virtual film screenings followed by hosting a webinar conversation.
      1. They’ve also experimented with virtual gaming or bingo together.
      2. Megan also shared information about a medical school podcast (The Short Coat) that could be partnered with to promote efforts.
      3. Jen shared that there will be a school of social work podcast as well. It will be called Wild Bill’s Cup of Social Justice.
        1. Jen also discussed plans to utilize the Wild Bill’s space in a different way, hosting events for social justice efforts, especially disability-related programming.
    3. It was discussed that there could be efforts to promote information about the Zoom auto-captioning feature and/or the creating accessible materials course, possibly using money to promote those resources on Facebook or elsewhere.
    4. Jen expressed interest in receiving information to promote on Facebook and etc. from other CDA sessions.
    5. Patti suggested having bimonthly half-hour efforts to create informational content for Facebook, website, etc.
    6. It was discussed that a short video could be made with a resource T.M. has for social media and accessibility.
    7. Michael shared that he is in conversation regarding a disability roadmap for the University of Iowa. Mapping the campus in terms of accessibility and how to get around campus.
      1. T.M. suggested contacting Michael O’Neil in the Office of Strategic Communication, who is working on a related app.
      2. Other CDA members discussed related issues, possible approaches to scope, and potential contributions.
  2. General updates:
    1. Megan has been asked to join a taskforce on accessibility.
    2. Bailey Anderson and David Rooney discussed a webinar on writing alternative text:
      1. It was discussed that this could be part of a working session.
    3. Elizabeth suggested that there should be an alt text guide in a certain communications manual; Jen Knights shared that there is an effort to create an accessible communications manual.
    4. There was discussion of the request among students for having a disability-oriented space similar to the cultural houses that exist now.
    5. Patti shared this producing accessible materials course once again: