Present: Patricia Bahr, Kirk Corey, Brad Ferrier, John Manak, Mike Meginnis, Megan Meyer, Michael Penniman, Laura Perry, David Rooney, Sujit Singh, Elizabeth Wallace, T.M. Weissenberger
- Those present introduced themselves and shared their plans for the weekend.
- General sharing and updates:
- T.M. shared that the accessibility group will have various activities leading up to Global Accessibility Awareness Day on May 20.
- More info about GAAD:
- Folks interested in hosting any kind of event or programming should reach out to T.M.
- Director of Research Information Systems in ITS will be sharing their process for creating accessible applications.
- Some possible collaborations were discussed, as well as ways for folks to help spread the word.
- Sujit discussed his filmmaking projects with regard to physical and invisible disabilities. The film on physical disabilities has been completed, while the film on invisible disabilities is in process.
- Megan discussed the challenges involved in adding an accessibility ramp to a residential home.
- Getting the required number of quotes from Medicaid-approved contractors is a particular challenge.
- Michael shared some information in this regard as well.
- T.M. shared that the accessibility group will have various activities leading up to Global Accessibility Awareness Day on May 20.
- Patti and T.M. shared that they had supported, on behalf of CDA, a proposal to the Lecture Series Committee to bring Judy Heumann to speak at UI.
- Multiple people shared some info about Heumann.
- The possibility of hosting the event at the Englert was discussed.
- T.M. suggested that the film Crip Camp could be part of a OneWatch event.
- David suggested that CDA potentially contribute money to a speaker’s fee.
- Elections for CDA positions were discussed.
- Patti will continue for one year as cochair, but T.M. would like someone else to take over for him in that role.
- Mike would like someone else to serve as secretary if possible due to an ongoing redefinition of his role.
- Jen Knights would like to continue as PR chair.
- Brad may or may not want to continue as treasurer depending on some professional developments. He’ll let us know.
- Elections will take place during the May meeting.