Friday, April 23, 2021

Present: Patricia Bahr, Kirk Corey, Brad Ferrier, John Manak, Mike Meginnis, Megan Meyer, Michael Penniman, Laura Perry, David Rooney, Sujit Singh, Elizabeth Wallace, T.M. Weissenberger

  1. Those present introduced themselves and shared their plans for the weekend.
  2. General sharing and updates:
    1. T.M. shared that the accessibility group will have various activities leading up to Global Accessibility Awareness Day on May 20.
      1. More info about GAAD:
      2. Folks interested in hosting any kind of event or programming should reach out to T.M.
      3. Director of Research Information Systems in ITS will be sharing their process for creating accessible applications.
      4. Some possible collaborations were discussed, as well as ways for folks to help spread the word.
    2. Sujit discussed his filmmaking projects with regard to physical and invisible disabilities. The film on physical disabilities has been completed, while the film on invisible disabilities is in process.
    3. Megan discussed the challenges involved in adding an accessibility ramp to a residential home.
      1. Getting the required number of quotes from Medicaid-approved contractors is a particular challenge.
      2. Michael shared some information in this regard as well.
  3. Patti and T.M. shared that they had supported, on behalf of CDA, a proposal to the Lecture Series Committee to bring Judy Heumann to speak at UI.
    1. Multiple people shared some info about Heumann.
    2. The possibility of hosting the event at the Englert was discussed.
    3. T.M. suggested that the film Crip Camp could be part of a OneWatch event.
    4. David suggested that CDA potentially contribute money to a speaker’s fee.
  4. Elections for CDA positions were discussed.
    1. Patti will continue for one year as cochair, but T.M. would like someone else to take over for him in that role.
    2. Mike would like someone else to serve as secretary if possible due to an ongoing redefinition of his role.
    3. Jen Knights would like to continue as PR chair.
    4. Brad may or may not want to continue as treasurer depending on some professional developments. He’ll let us know.
    5. Elections will take place during the May meeting.