Attending: Megan Meyer, Brad Ferrier, Patti Bahr, Dave Rooney, Kirk Corey, TM Weissenberger, Elizabeth Wallace, Bri Swope, Erin Stresow (diversity resources), Bailey Anderson
TM Weissenberger – GAD 160 participants in the sessions
- Maybe some monthly presentations
- BUILD workshop: Inclusive Technology as an IT Service
Erin Stresow – plans to help with accessibility
Megan Meyer – basketball league in IC, daughter really likes PE now after Courage League
Bri Swope – Courage League Des Moines all ages, Iowa City kids
- June 10 and the next 4 week – 4:45-6:45
- At Green State Family Fieldhouse
Patti Bahr – Angie at South District to help with INSTI
CDA Leadership and Elections
Co-Chair: Elizabeth and David are willing to step up (Vote to have David this year, and Elizabeth come on a co-chair next year when Patti rotates off.)
- David would like to address the accessibility on campus
- Bring everyone together to work on accessibility
- Elizabeth is very busy and will do it next year
Secretary: Mike will come when he can, Bri and Megan will do a tag team to cover this
TM notes that they can view and record the transcript from Zoom
Treasurer: Brad will continue
Public Relations: Jen will continue
Website: TM and Bailey
All elections were unanimous
Try to make a hybrid meeting for September.
TM will handle scheduling a room for us.
Ideas for using CDA funding:
Brad: $1,678 to spend ($757 was carried over from last year)
Can’t spend the money after the 15th. Alex Brannaman is the accountant.
- (Unanimous to do the following.) Judy Heumann lecture series proposal we could give some now and then later.
- Will have showing of Crip Camp at Film Scene too
- October UI Lecture series
- Reception too
- Go to a few classes too
- David Gould will be the moderator
- Could we have “captioning provided by CDA”
- CDA will get some press
- (Voted no) Thumb drives with software loaded
- (Voted to discuss this further if we can’t spend the money on Judy Heumann.) Accessing Higher Ground – annual conference on accessible technology – content leans toward technical accessible content (recordings from last year’s sessions)
- (Voted to discuss this further if we can’t spend the money on Judy Heumann.) AHEAD in Austin, TX
- Another option is giving it back to help cover the cost of something having to do with our mission – i.e. captioning at graduation
Future Funding
- Earmarking funds to people to go to certain training
- Make a scholarship out of it
- Provide captioning as needed
Next meeting will be 6/8 at Noon if needed.
Minutes submitted by Patti Bahr.