Friday, June 25, 2021

Attendees: David Rooney, Erin Stresow, T.M. Weissenberger, Bri Swope, Bailey Anderson, Megan Meyer, Kirk Corey and Sarah Andrews

  1. Welcome prospective new member: Sarah Andrews (she/her/hers)
    1. Program Coordinator & Accessibility coordinator in Hardin Library
  2. Updates
    1. Judy Heumann lecture, updates provided by Bri Swope
      1. Location, checking to see if Hancher Aud can be potential location…. Hancher is accessible, whereas Englert is not fully accessible. Voxman not available for fall. IMU is a back-up, if needed
      2. SDS & A-team considering presenting an award and/or scholarships
        1. SDS annual scholarships:
      3. ADA community celebration
      4. October celebrates disability employment awareness month – hoping to schedule this lecture during that month (proposed date, Oct 26, 27 or 28)
        1. Film showing & reception for project partners
    2. Board of Regents will be hosting 2021 Disability Awareness Summit in Ames on Oct 29, 2021
      1. CDA members encouraged to save-the-date
    3. UI Disability Celebration - held on UI campus on years we do not host the BOR summit – seeking to incorporate this celebration into events around Heumann lecture.
    4. SDS will have a new location in October (occupancy date TBD). SDS would like to invite CDA to the open house celebration.
    5. Reminder: if you have calendar items or items to share on social media, please send them to Jenn Knights.
    6. – list serve…. Email to that address if you’re not currently on the list serve but want to be.
    7. Johnson County ADA celebration – coordinated by ARC of Southeast Iowa, event may not be occurring this year, but ARC wants to collaborate on Heumann lecture
    8. Upcoming meetings – look to transition to in-person meetings (with hybrid option) in September

Next meeting: August 27, 2021 (July 23 meeting canceled)

Minutes submitted by: Megan Meyer