Friday October 22, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM (CST)
Attendees: Sarah Andrews, Patty Bahr, Brad Ferrier, David Rooney, Gianna Marshall, Barbara Nicholson, Bri Swope, Michael Venzon, Elizabeth Wallace, TM Weissenberger
- Approval of Minutes for previous meeting – 1st Patti, 2nd Elizabeth. All in favor.
Announcements / Updates:
- Regent’s Summit – David
- Wednesday, October 27th – Virtual option now available
- Today is last day to RSVP:
- Reach out to or with questions.
- Would like to have UI Representation.
- Discussion around hybrid participation – in-person place
- Presenters from UIowa present as well (SDS and College of Ed)
- We are encouraged to do community building together as attendees from UI and can utilize 2520D UCC seminar room that is reserved for us - 9am-3pm
- Crip Camp Screening and Panel Discussion
- Thursday, October 28th
- Screening 4-6
- Panel Discussion 6-7
- Provide any updates to the screening outline to Jen Knights
- Disability Awareness/Rights Campaign
- CDA can create possible connections and share information
- Would like to support this idea
- T.M. will see if he can find contact for Success at Iowa
- Bri and Kristina Gordon will gather more info about this as an option
- Unite disability groups on campus – Symposium
- Theme: Disability is Diversity
- Judy Huemann Visit March 28-April 1 – Bri – no new news
- Link to Possibilities newsletter distributed recently by Mike Hoenig
- The DEI Committee is reaching out to discuss how they could partner with us
- See lunch & learn flier from Social Work students to highlight Disability Awareness Month. Update from Barbara Nicholson SWSA October 29, lunch and learn from 1:30-2:45 via zoom
- Speaker: Sujit Singh
- List of Talking points given
- Requesting $125 for 1 hour 25 minutes
- Patti motions to approve spending, T.M. Weissenberger seconds. All in favor. Approved
- Time: Oct 29, 2021 01:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
- Meeting ID: 919 0367 2786 & Passcode: 858898
- Speaker: Sujit Singh
- Campus Mapping System – Guest another month
- Asset mapping on campus and possible use of undergraduate research fellow: David Rooney: What are our assets on campus in relation to disability services/accessibility
- Possibility of working with a Research Fellow
- Three broad categories:
- Accessibility/Universal Design
- Disability Studies
- Social Justice
- What do we want to focus on/achieve within our campus community
- From this information develop projects/events/ideas
Next meeting:
Friday, November 19th, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM (CST) …… note 1 week early