Friday November 19, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM (CST)
Present at meeting: David Rooney, Patti Bahr, Elizabeth Wallace, Michael Hoenig, Megan Meyer, Amber Alaniz, Brad Ferrier, Jen Knights, Bailey Anderson, Kirk Corey
- Approval of Minutes for previous meeting Bri moves to approve, Jen seconds. October minutes approved.
Guests / Intros:
- Hekkie Jamili & V Fixmer-Oraiz, Astig Planning
- Share info / opportunity for a Disability Advisory Committee (DAC) for
- Johnson County Historic Poor Farm
V is the Project manager for JC Historic Poor Farm – initiative: on Melrose Ave
160 acres, 120 historic, 10 year master plan. Est in 1855
History, legacy, dynamic approach to revitalize and are looking at accessibility
Organized a Disability Advisory Committee (DAC)- Brad and Mike are a part of the committee to review beyond ADA standards. COVID impacted the committee and are now looking at re-organizing this committee
Looking at collaborations, partnerships as well
Ideas: Hawkeye Area Council to share information with families and engage youth- Megan Meyer will connect V
Suggestion to connect with UI Pentacrest museums, Carolina Kaufman who has been working with UI REACH to develop docent trainings for museums
Question from Patti- is there an option to grow food? Yes, could be an opportunity, A commercial kitchen it planned to be added.
Currently collaborating with veterans to create raised/multi-level beds. Wellness being designed with Backyard Abundance and Systems Unlimited.
From UI CDA: hoping to have people interested in joining committee as well as partnering for future initiatives
Announcements / Updates:
- Crip Camp Screening and Panel Discussion
- Well done.
- Recorded panel link:
- Social Work - Disability Awareness Month
- Report from students: went well, Sujit was a great speaker via zoom. Technical difficulties so unable to record. CDA helped with funding for Sujit.
- Crip Camp Screening and Panel Discussion
- Regents Summit
- Conference room reserved. A few showed from CDA, advisory board and others
- UI may be a bigger part of the Regents Summit- a note from David to have in our minds
- Student Diability Services move! Celebrating. Open house Friday 11/12
- Link to media coverage:
- Regents Summit
- Judy Huemann Visit March 28-April 1 – Bri (if anything new)
- In the process of confirming.
- Harkin on Wellness Symposium Event March 29 so are working on possible confirmation for Hancher Fireside Chat March 30. Bri will send more information
- Adaptive Sport Day being planned for April 1. When more information is confirmed, Bri will email information to CDA.
- If you want to be added to website - Jen
- In contact with DEI initiatives
- Bailey is working on Inclusive Guide in collaboration with DEI committee members
- Working on creating a Pilot Inclusion guide (ie: pronouns, visual descriptions, gender neutral and accessible bathrooms on campus)
- Accessibility and Inclusion
- If anyone is interested in collaborating
- Diversity and Disability Fellowship – Applications available (Patti)
- Undergrad Research Fellowship – Asset Mapping in Spring – Applicant link (David)
- Other’s?
- Bri’s Ideas and updates and CDA’s involvement?
- Disability Studies
- Annual Symposium
- Students sharing projects
Next meeting:
Friday, January 28, 2022, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM (CST) No meeting in December