Friday, February 25, 2022, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM (CST)
Present: Hallie Abelman, Amber Alaniz, Nathan Albano, Patti Bahr, Robert Butler, Kirk Corey, Brad Ferrier, Michael Hoenig, Jen Knights, Gianna Marshall, Michael Penniman, David Rooney, Bri Swope, Elizabeth Wallace
Approval of Minutes for previous meeting – 1st motion by Gianna; 2nd by Jen. All in favor – motion passed.
Announcements / Updates:
- DSL Undergraduate Research Fellowship (URF)
- Research Development Office website:
- Networking Survey:
- Use link above to take survey in indicate how you’d like to collaborate in the disability awareness space
- Networking Survey Results:
- View immediate results using link above
- Presentation to Libraries, March 9 (Brad & Patti)
- Topic will introduce CDA and activities the group does
- March – Disability Awareness Month “Iowa Now” email – Jack Rossi - Office of Strategic Communications
- Volunteers needed (overview & announcements Press release, flyers?)
- Plan to send Jack information on Judy Huemann visit, adaptive sports day, adaptive duathlon at CRWC, and incarceration, mental health and disability on March 11
- Disability Exchange Podcast, coordinated by College of Public Health with CDA Member as a co-host, Michael Hoenig.
- Petra Kuppers (Univ of Michigan), disability culture activist, writer, poet, etc
- Book reading on March 31 at 6-8pm at The Tuesday Agency: “Eco Soma: Pain and Joy in Speculative Performance Encounters” (see attached flyer for more info)
- Book link here:
- Writing Workshop on April 1 at 10am at Porchlight Literary Arts Center (see attached flyer for more info)
- Book reading on March 31 at 6-8pm at The Tuesday Agency: “Eco Soma: Pain and Joy in Speculative Performance Encounters” (see attached flyer for more info)
Focus / Working:
- Judy Huemann Visit March 28-April 1 – Bri (if anything new – round up help for Bri)
- March 29 – FilmScene showing of Crip Camp at 6:30
- Post screening Q&A with Judy after showing
- Reception & book signing
- March 30
- Hancher – 7:30pm Alyssa Voss & Tiffani Stevenson-Earl and _____
- Talk about ADA Celebration
- Give awards
- 7:45pm – Senator Harkin, to talk about Wellness Symposium
- 7:55pm –Fireside chat with Judy Huemann
- Hancher – 7:30pm Alyssa Voss & Tiffani Stevenson-Earl and _____
- Disseminating information; Bri will work with Jen Knights to create an event press kit and will distribute to Iowa Now, Office of Strat Comm, CDA, UISDAA, etc. Once received, please distribute widely in your channels
- FilmScene
- $11 ticket for non-members, if any groups on campus want to sponsor a block of tickets
- printing marketing items today
- Hancher
- Will have ticketed event, but no cost – tracking with Senator Harkin’s involvement
- Obtaining PR information from Judy Huemann and Senator Harkin – then will publish
- Once all items are together – onto facebook pages, UI events calendar, etc.
- Bri welcomes questions to be sent to her that can be used during the Fireside Chat
- Potential interaction ideas with Judy Huemann
- Students: UI Reach, UISDAA, UI Student Government
- Podcast interview for Disability Exchange
- Staff and parents: Center for Disabilities and Development
- FilmScene
- March 29 – FilmScene showing of Crip Camp at 6:30
Discussion (future meetings):
- UI to Embark on 10-Year Facilities Master Plan – what can be our role?
- Funding and/or committee help for Disability Graduation (Affinity ceremony)
- Bri’s Ideas and updates and CDA’s involvement?
- Disability Studies
- Annual Symposium
- Students sharing projects
Next meeting: Friday, March 25, 2022, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM (CST) - Zoom