Monday, October 31, 2022


Friday, August 26, 2022, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM (CST)


Present: David Rooney, Michael Penniman, Bri Swope Brad Ferrier, Amber Alaniz, Len Sandler, Abbie Steuhm, Diane Crosby, Hallie Abelman, Gianna Marshall, Anne Crotty, Emily Mozena, Natalie Kehrli, Amelia DeRynck, Robert Butler, Sarah Andrews, Kirk Corey, T.M. Weissenberger

Approval of Minutes for previous meeting. Gianna Marshall moves to approve the minutes, Amber Alaniz seconds the minutes. Minutes are approved.

Announcements / Updates:

  • CDA new and continuing leadership selections:
    • Co-Chairs: Michael Penniman, David Rooney
    • Secretaries – Megan Meyer, Bri Swope
    • Treasurer – Brad Ferrier
    • Public Relations (new) – Elizabeth Wallace
  • Treasurer update (Brad)
    • Just had orientation from councils. DDEI will be providing $1000 in furnding for fiscal year 2023. This will not carry over. DDEI has  allowed carry over for funding for Judy Heumann. Alex Brenneman will send an outline to help allocate expenses.
    • Budget (Brad, Michael, David)
      • Funding proposals
      • Live Captioning- referring to live captioning during CDA meetings as a standard for CDA meetings.
      • AHEAD Membership (for leadership) Association for Higher Education and Disability
        • Michael’s membership update / plan- plan will be to wait until October to gain full year membership
    • Will discuss this next month when a rough draft of a budget is put together. Michael, David and Brad will work on creating a budget for the year and will present during the September meeting.
  • Council Leadership meeting report
    • Public Relations is available. Information can be emailed to – information about events is to be sent within 30 days to be marketed. IESI is supporting council initiatives. Hoping to have collaboration and partnerships among the diversity councils.
    • Website: - informational website that includes a tab called Celebrations that highlight events and celebrations that are
  • ADA Celebration (Bri)
    • October 15 from 10-12 at the Ped Mall (rain location is MERGE)
    • CDA has paid for 5 booths (UISDAA, CDA)
    • Bri planning to send ADA Celebration information to Charlie Taylor for representation
  • Stanley Art Museum opening today
  • Accessible Campus Map (T.M.)
    • Office of Strategic Communications (OSC) has been working with concept 3-D to provide a digital online accessible campus map for the UI
    • Website:
    • The map includes relevant information about facilities, wayfinding in addition to general information about campus.
    • A work group will review for accessibility, way finding as well as what does the group want to see from the campus library/ what would be helpful. Hoping to have this conversation within the month.
  • Assessment of UI Libraries (Brad, Michael)
    • Brad: The inclusion diversity equity and social justice (IDEAS) council is completing an accessibility survey of the libraries and want to present these findings to the leadership team and other relevant groups to recommend changes before the plans to renovate the main library are finished.
    • Volunteers from CDA will help – Bri, Len Michael and Abbie will be meeting with the the IDEAS council on Tuesday August 30. Brad will email expectations in preparation for this meeting.
  • Does anyone know if there is a Perkins Brailler available on campus? If yes- contact David Rooney or Bailey Anderson in SDS. Anderson, Bailey
  • T.M—an initiative within healthcare has begun. Operating under the name Diversibility for UI healthcare for employees, students and trainees.
  • Emily Mozena heard about the course: HIST 4203 Disability in American History- ‘The Department of History does NOT have a faculty member that focues on Disability History anymore. Prof. Legg helped us out last summer but is no longer available
  • Megan Meyer has been asked to be a part of SEA Change program. T.M Weissenberger is also a member. It is about diversity in a broad sense. Found that there is a lack of information regarding the disability community in the DEI process. Working with data collection specialist and SDS to help build a rhetoric that will spur inclusion. More information to come next month.
  • Discussion relating to various disability advocacy groups on campus and how we can learn w
  • T.M. discussed the A-team group who is planning an event in October.
  • Ongoing disability and accessibility survey:
  • If you have agenda items- email David Rooney or Michael Penniman to add for the next meeting.
  • Gianna moves to close the meeting and T.M seconds. All approve.

Discussion (future meetings):

  • ReelAbilities Film Festival idea (Bri / David update)

Next meeting: Friday, September 23, 2022, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM (CST) - Zoom