Friday, September 23, 2022, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM (CST)
Present: David Rooney, Michaei Penniman, Bri Swope, Brad Ferrier, Elizabeth Wallace, Amelia DeRynck, Adam Potter, Hallie Abelman, Gianna Marshall, Carly Armour, Len Sandler Robt. Butler, Bailey Anderson, Emily Mozena, Anne Crotty
Approval of Minutes for previous meeting (David / Michael): Motion by Michael Penniman motions, Elizabeth Wallace second. Minutes are approved.
Treasury Report (Brad): Have questions regarding AHEAD approval. Do not know yet if CDA will have to pay.
Announcements / Updates:
- Guest invitation: Adam Potter, Central Midwest HERC invitation: SR HR Specialist at U Services, Native American Council. Here as an ask for HERC. HERC focuses on diversity recruitment. For more information about HERC:
- Has a Council Ask: Looking for volunteer who can attend a couple meetings to be sure are being inclusive in regard to conference – Carly Armour, Amelia DeRynck and Michael Penniman volunteered to help.
- Disability Awareness and Inclusion: focusing on recruitment strategies in relation to disability
- Central Midwest HERC Conference November 15 (possibly as conference date)
- November is Native American Heritage Month: Adam will share information about events. October 10 is US Indigenous People’s Day- gathering on Pentacrest. April will be Pow-Wow.
- CDA Budget Proposal review.
- Brad, David and Michael met to review budget. Budget. Started with $2,678.00 Table Fee ADA, Captioning posted in Fiscal Year 2022.
- Brainstormed proposed upcoming fees: social gathering, printing costs, Regents Summit and AHEAD membership. Discussion surrounding proposed budget and individual fees.
- In relation to budget, have a better understanding with reconciliation and annual budgets.
- Question regarding printing costs. Placeholder in case of need of printing/marketing costs. Bri and Elizabeth will contact Jen Knights to see if she knows where marketing material may be located as former PR.
- Discussion around social gathering. Possibly end of May, fees in relation to food and drink proposed.
- Regent Summit at University of Northern Iowa gas fee for Michael to use his person van to attend the conference.
- Live Captioning decision (on-going for CDA) – 3-5 minutes
- CDA wants to be inclusive and provide live captioning for all.
- Would like to make a decision regarding auto captioning vs live captioning.
- Specific vendors to use and how do we access those funds.
- Carly: In the past has worked with DEI to have funding from the University. Suggestion to ask the ADA office. David asked Erin Stresow, our liaison. More information to come.
- Action item for David and Micheal: will discuss funding with Tiffani Stevenson Earl as well as continue to discuss with Erin Stresow to determine if there is funding for CDA live captioning.
- Campus / Regent events:
- Disability Summit (10/14) (Michael and David will attend); Fresh Check Day (10/26) between 10-4 in Hubbard Lawn or IMU (weather) Sponsored by U Counseling Services. Opportunity for supports throughout campus to support wellness, mental health and psychological supports. ; A-Team Event (?)
- ADA Celebration - October
- Update from Bri for Johnson County planning committee
- Looking for keynote speaker suggestions as our speaker has a conflict:
- Suggestion of Patti Bahr, Doug Baynton (
- CDA’s involvement / sign-up & campus partners’ invitations
- CDA purchased 5 Vendor tables. CDA and UISDAA
- Three tables left for campus involvement.
- David will send an email to Tiffani Stevenson Earl, Liz Tovar
- David proposes to have a table with SDS, Factul
- Table Sign Up:
- David 10-10:30- can help with set up
- Elizabeth Wallace and Robt. Butler volunteered to be at the table
- CDA’s involvement / sign-up & campus partners’ invitations
- Accessible Campus Map (T.M.) – extended review 9/30/22
- Assessment of UI Libraries update (Brad, Len): IDEAS council at the libraries trying to do an assessment of the Main Library Main Library and the Hardin Library.
- CDA Spring Social (SMA?) May 19, 2023 as suggested date for social (May 26 is holiday weekend). More information in October meeting.
Discussion (future meetings):
- UI to Embark on 10-Year Facilities Master Plan – what can be our role?
- Bri’s ideas and updates and CDA’s involvement:
- 1. Partner with Intro to Disabilities Studies students to complete project
- 2. Create an event that brings together disability advocacy orgs, etc on campus
- Judy Heumann - rescheduling updates: Working on confirming sponsorship for an April 2023 date for visit.
- Campus Climate Survey – 2022 – 2023
- Disability Studies at UI
- ReelAbilities Film Festival idea (Bri update): Meeting with ReelAbililities and FilmScene via zoom on September 28.
- Suggestion to contact Green State as well for partnership.
Action Items (before next meeting):
Next meeting: Friday, October 28, 2022, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM (CST) - Zoom