Friday, November 18, 2022, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM (CST)
Approval of Minutes for previous meeting (David / Michael): Elizabeth Wallace Motions, Amber Alaniz, editing change by Amelia DeRynck. Approved as amended.
In attendance: David Rooney, Michael Penniman, Bri Swope, Brad Ferrier, Elizabeth Wallace, Hallie Abelman, Michael Hoenig, Amelia DeRynck, Amber Alaniz, Robert Butler, Madde Hoberg, Len Sandler
Treasury Report (Brad)- no change from last month.
$639.94 current total (without proposed social gathering and anticipated printing costs)
$314.94 after those anticipated costs.
Announcements / Updates:
- Live Captioning proposal – share with Council (David): Working on a petition – going through Erin Stressow, Liason, for funds to cover live captioning. Michael, Brad and David included a seed amount from CDA budget of $105 which is 20% of the funding request which is $525 total.
- Seed money is to show importance as standard operating procedure
- T.M. emailed CDA list serve
- A-team report (T.M.) – needs or update?
- UI Map product (Concept 3D - Wayfinding) – Request for Evaluators
- LEND Trainees project (Michael)- Michael has connected with the current LEND trainees who are working on campus accessibility
- Social media campaign update / call for participants (Elizabeth, Hallie)
- Elizabeth has proposed a social media campaign that is essentially story telling to have people with disabilities, those who support pwds, etc to share their story. This is modeled after humans of New York Instagram series. Goals are to build awareness, celebrate, enlighten and normalize disability. ‘All participants should feel empowered to share what they want the world to know about them.’
- Proposing to create a CDA Instagram account and Elizabeth shared a template to utilize to include information, planning to connect Facebook page to Instgram page.
- Discussion surrounding CDA becoming ambassadors to assist with this project as well as ways to highlight days throughout the year. Discussion around using hashtags respectfully and aligning with university policies.
- Michael discussed visual and text overlay, discussion about accessibility with social media posts. Can have alt text on images on Instagram. Discussion about best practices and using each other to determine best accessibility.
- Planning to have 2-3 stories for Spring as a pilot.
- If you’d like to be a story for spring, contact Elizabeth Wallace
- Additionally, if there are concerns, editing, confidence, etc also contact Elizabeth Wallace.
- Participants will have right of review and right of refusal so will be fully involved and informed.
- HERC Event – MP’s presentation (Michael) – Michael was guest Higher Education Resource Consortium. Able to speak about a person with a disability in a post grad environment, seeking full time and employment and what Michael looks for in employers and accommodations. Able to speak from a hiring perspective
- Video of Michael’s presentation:
- Amelia also a speaker at the event.
- UISDAA – updates (Spring semester plans?): gave presentation about cultural center initiatives at the staff council meeting and are up to 224 signatures on the petition.
- CDA Spring Social (SMA) – lunch in late May? Update
- Looking at late may, possibly Stanley Museum of Art
Planning (Spring semester meetings - January – May 2023):
- Judy Heumann – on the schedule? Yes, looking at April 2023, working on securing sponsorship
- Disability Studies at UI (take on initiative?)
- ReelAbilities Film Festival idea (2023 – Spring or Fall?) Looking at Spring 2023
- Hallie has submitted a Grant with ACLS for infrastructure for people writing dissertations to have the resources to make them accessible. Will find out in the New Year. CDA could help with distribution of these funds.
- ADA Celebration will be October 14 from 1-3 in the Ped Mall. Senator Zach Wahls is committed to be a speaker.
- DEISC meeting- initiative relating to welcoming and inclusive environment. Asking for feedback regarding policy, accessibility, accommodations, SDS services and more.
- Len Sandler: working with Dubuque in relation to a survey relating to accessibility and historic preservation and some of the buildings. (There’s a great caramel spot along the way where they stop for treats. J). Looking at January or February to determine which space to survey first. St Lukes Methodist Church.
- Possibility of a group to help with part of that process
- Developmental Disabilities council.
- Megan Meyer: Vocational rehabilitation services will be doing a presentation called assistive technology in the Workplace on November 28 from 11-1230 in person and on zoom. Information available on the CDA website
- UI to Embark on 10-Year Facilities Master Plan – what can be our role?
Action Items (before next meeting):
Next meeting: Friday, January 27, 2023, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM (CST) - Zoom