Friday, August 25, 2023



Friday, April 28, 2023, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM (CST)



Secretary Minutes confirmation (Bri)

In attendance: David Rooney, Bri Swope, Michael Penniman, Wendy Roberson, Emily Mozena, Kristina Gordon, Hallie Abelman, Amber Alaniz, T.M. Weissenberger, Brad Ferrier, Bria, Abbie Beadle, Kirk Corey, Robert Butler, Elizabeth Wallace

Approval of Minutes for previous meeting (David / Michael): Hallie moved to approve, Amber seconds. Minutes approved.

Treasury Report (Brad):

              Talked to Alex Brenneman: could not use roll-over funds for Judy Heumann event. Would have to use them this fiscal year and don’t have anything to

$214.94. This is in addition to the $200 marked for social gathering.

New Joining Member Acknowledgement & Welcome (Michael): Welcome to Wendy Robertson as a new member to CDA! J

New Officers’ Election for Academic Year, 2023 – 2024 (David / Michael)

  • Co-Chair(s) Michael Penniman & Bri Swope
  • Secretary: David Rooney
  • Treasurer: Hallie Abelman
  • PR / Communication / Marketing:
    • Members not present to vote
  • IT / Webmaster Guru J : T.M. Weissenberger


INCLUSIVE EVENTS & PROGRAMMING GUIDE: Bria and Abbie Beadle (College of Nursing)

-The guide is intended to provide event organizers and campus administrators with the tools necessary to proactively plan events that are inclusive and accessible for all.

Summer 2021: began work with Accessibility Action Team to conduct preliminary research
Format and Design: UI Pressbooks. This is a real time book that can be updated. There is a Qualtircs form for users to provide feedback and suggestions.
Demonstration of the guide including content sections. Each content area will have a title and considerations
Marketing plan: DDEI Communications, Campus Partners and IowaNow
Keeping it going- continued partnership between Division of DEI, Student Disability Services and campus partners. Annual review with designated task force, expansion as needed

Comments: The URL will shift slightly and will be finalized/shareable hopefully end of May.

Question: Are there resources that support students in navigating their resources in classes?  (ie: Microsoft of ICON). Response: Doesn’t currently but that is a great suggestion and possibility for expansion.

Announcements / Updates:

  • Adaptive Sports Day event at the Field House (Bri) Was April 14.
  • Concept 3DUI’s on-line campus map: callout to CDA members for feedback (T.M.)

May 18 is Global Accessibility Awareness Day. For more informiaton visit: 

Resources and education from UIOWA:

  • October is Disability Employment Awareness Month
  • October 26- Iowa Regents Institution Disability Summit. Annual event and hosting rotates between 3 schools- this year is at UIOWA. People from all over the state to share about disability, accessibility awareness
  • October 14 – ADA Celebration
  • Patti Bahr and I (and David) gave a presentation last March to the Libraries about the CDA. You can watch it here:
  • Patti Bahr – transportation institute:
    • Funds extended to Patti for the institute $200 vote approved
  • Social media campaign update (Elizabeth, Hallie) – Back on!
  • INSTI request for funding (David / Brad)

CDA Lunch Social: Friday, May 26, 2023, 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM (CST) – Wild Bill’s Space, 312 NH