Friday, March 24, 2023, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM (CST)
Secretary rotation confirmation Bri
Approval of Minutes for previous meeting (David / Michael): Move to approve minutes: T.M moved, Michael Hoenig seconds. Approved. Bri will connect with Kristina Gordon to include Bill Sachter information.
Treasury Report (Brad): This month spent $120 on judy Heumann memorial which brings total to $219.94. Have proposed using $200 for spring social so basically leaves $20.
New Joining Member Acknowledgement & Welcome (Michael)
Members present: David Rooney, Bri Swope, Kristina Rooney, Michael Hoenig, T.M. Weissenberger, Hallie Abelman, Jay Geisen, Nate Fernandes, Len Sandler, Amber Alaniz, Bailey Anderson, Emily Mozena, Ben Grauer, Rita Soenksen, Michael O’Neil, Pat Kogus, Robert Butler, Brad Ferrier, Emily Baker, Jason Khurdan, Misty Lenhard, Terill Thompson, Ann F, Elizabeth pyatt, Joe Whitsitt, Hadi, Dan Keck, Kirk Corey
- Concept 3D – UI’s on-line campus map: Patrick Feldmeier & Andrew Tat
GOAL: Intro / callout to CDA members for feedback (T.M.) – 40 minutes
Patrick: Job today to demonstrate the map, its accessibility features as well as wayfinding functionality. Goal to provide interactive mapping solution but ultimately data and locations, categories for potentially new visitors to campus as well as people that have been there for a long time. Looking for new ways to improve platform and product and want to ensure that everyone has the same experience when using the product.
PREVIEW CURRENT MAP (currently live):
T.M. Weissenberger: digital campus maps located at – the site is live, encouraged to visit site. Concept 3D is where the application itself comes from. Stysptems Group in facilities management. Mul
Looking for people in this audience as consumers to the service who are willing to use the tool and offer some feedback from a disability and accessibility standpoint. For example, how could this tool help people to learn about accessibility features in a campus building or landmark.
Michael Hoenig: presented a question: how would someone who is blind or who has a visual impairment use this map. T.M. and Mike will collaborate to provide feedback to the campus map.
Amber Alaniz question: What are the strengths of this virtual tour from your perspective. Currently trying to solve single source data and single source of truth on the content – that it is the single source of information that you may need when visiting the area. This is intended to replace a product that couldn’t be supported anymore.
Part of the focus is to share the wayfinding. Is it accurate, functional and usable. Digital map industry has not had a great track record in supporting populations including those with disabilities. This is an attempt for us to find a way institutionally and share some of our partners in higher ed as well ways to mitigate and correct issues.
Tat demoing map and sharing link!ct/51247?s/
Nate Fernandes: Do you have a Teacher of the Visually Impaired Program that you could partner with that may be able to provide feedback on realities of intersections not picked up via satellite?
Mike: we have TVI’s across the state. Does the map have the capability to vocalize this info- probably through an app? Will be seeing TVI.
Hadi: Can you use the keyboard instead of maps? Yes- it is controllable by the keyboard.
They are still working on some of the details. The focus indicators are fairly good. There are some issues with contrast but you get pretty good highlighting your way through.
Ben Grauer feedback: May want to pay attention to strictly following accessible routes. Fieldhouse to Old Cap directs people into the street at the grand ave/riverside drive intersection.
Response: This product is able to be controlled by university so can curate routes to ensure safety. That is one of the focuses of today- practicing the wayfinding to address these situations to eliminate dangerous or unsafe paths and to have the most curated routes.
Michael Hoenig: the wayfinding section is unfortunately not intuitive. May want to check out a site like Google Maps where one keystroke takes you into the search field.
Michael O’Neill: Can we experience the accessible routes functionality.
Response: Pulled up UC Boulder to demonstrate functionality.
Rita Soenksen: Will the university’s ability to update be done in real time, so if there is a sidewalk blocked off, users of the map will know?
Response: The updates can be done in real time, and if therer are no wayfinding nodes withing the back end, there will not be a generated route for that area.
Ben Grauer: Will that form be available for all users even after go- live?
Response: This is something that we can explore, a more general feedback form for folks to submit feedback for the map, as well as wayfinding.
Part of the next steps will be reviewing the campus for accessibility and reporting back, collecting data. Note- this is still in beta so bugs are going to happen- please let them know to ensure this solution serves everybody.
Bailey Anderson: Are haptic feedback part of the direction notifications.
Michael Hoenig: Strong belief that this should go beyond wheelchair users to cover a cross-disability population.
Contact T.M. Weissenberger with questions, concerns at
Announcements / Updates:
- ReelAbilities Film Festival – Closing Night (Bri): ReelAbililites Film Festival has been a success. Three night event with this evening being the final event.
- Judy Heumann event change (Bri)
- I.C. Listening Post on Accessibility (4/5, 4-5:30 PM @ Iowa City Library, Rm. “A”)
- Social media campaign update (David, Michael) – Call to action--
- CDA Social (Michael) - Save the date: May 26 Lunchtime (location TBD)
Planning (Spring remainder meetings - thru May 2023):
- New CDA Officers (2023-24) (April voting – nominations open now) (David)
- Michael would stay on for next term, would be looking for a co-president
- Bailey Anderson: would like time to add Inclusive Events Plan to agenda
- UI to Embark on 10-Year Facilities Master Plan – what’s CDA’s role?
Next meeting: Friday, April 28, 2023, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM (CST) – Zoom