Friday, February 23rd, 2024, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM (CST)
Secretary confirmation (David)
Approval of Minutes for previous meeting (Michael 1st / Bri 2nd)
Treasury Report (Hallie) $346 balance (spent to date: 753.69)
New Joining Member Acknowledgement (Brody, Chelsea)
In attendance: Drew Biggs, Chelsea DePasquale, Amelia DeRynck, Kimberly Dukes, Brad Ferrier, Bri Swope, David Rooney, Emily Mozena, Hallie Abelman, Kristina Gordon, Madde H., Megan Meyer, Michael Penniman, Len Sandler, Rita Soenksen, Brody Stanford, T.M. Weissenberger, Wendy Robertson, Hanna Wollack (guests: Abbie Geers, Ella Esch)
Announcements / Updates:
- Dances described performance February 23-24, 7:30pm nightly, Space Place Theater Bri recommends attending – (that evening’s performance with both description and ASL)
- Hawkathalon April 13th 1-3pm Ella Esch and Abbie Geers - funding request to pay for 100 Clear Water Bottles @ 19.99/50 + 2.40 tax, requesting $42.38 – Law School/ Len - offered to pick up tab for costs (and confirm amount); CDA donating plastic bottles.
- Instagram: @hawkathlon
- Participants sign up:
- Iowa Disability Film Festival with ReelAbilities (partnership and new name) March 20-22 6:30 pm nightly (Ben helping) screenings, panels and receptions for each night.
- Michael gave description for “Full Circle” - March 20th .
- Bri gave description and – panel call for “Being Michelle” - March 21st.
- Brad/Kristina’s description “A Friend Indeed: “The Bill Sackter Story” – with pop-up exhibit March 22nd.
- Funding assistance proposal ($250; approved)
- shared tix information (free-will donation)
- CDA table opportunity March 20th & 21st
- Awareness for weather occurrences and parking & transportation: Shovel routes (Michael)
- UISDAA and student representation at CDA meetings (Michael)
- ADA celebration & Sen Harkin visit – hold for now (Bri)
- Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD)- May 16 (TM)
- May CDA social date, currently May 24 (during regular meeting time) at Stanley AM (M) – possibly propose for a sooner date in May to include more attendees.
- Next meeting: Nominations for, or your personal interest for CDA Leadership roles. (Michael)
Please email to add to listserv
Planning (Spring remainder meetings - through May 2024):
- UI to Embark on 10-Year Facilities Master Plan – what’s CDA’s role?
- Social media campaign update (Elizabeth) – Call to action
Next meeting: Friday, March 22nd, 2024, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM (CST)