Friday, March 22nd, 2024, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM (CST)
In attendance: Allison Levine, Amelia DeRynck, Brad Ferrier, Bri Swope, David Rooney, Elizabeth Wallace, Ella Barkey (guest), Emily Mozena, Hallie Abelman, Julie Gaida, Kimberly Dukes, Kristina Gordon, Megan Meyer, Michael Hoenig, Michael Penniman, Robert Butler, T.M. Weissenberger, Wendy Robertson
Secretary confirmation (David took minutes)
Approval of Minutes for previous meeting - Hallie motioned + Bri 2nd – Unanimously approved.
Treasury Report (Hallie) - $21.32 balance; $978.68 spent w/ $100 contingency contained.
New Joining Member Acknowledgement (Michael) – Ella Barkey (guest, SDS MS Assistant)
Announcements / Updates:
- Iowa Disability Film Festival with ReelAbilities Recap & Share (Bri) – Discussion about audio descriptions in films
- A list of films that have been Audio Described from the Audio Description Project/American Council for the Blind:
- panels were “powerful.”
- Hawkathalon April 13th 1-3pm (Bri)
- May CDA social May 3rd – Looking for new location? Possibly the Field house playroom?
- Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) - May 16 (TM)
- Awareness for weather occurrences and parking & transportation: Shovel routes (M)
- ADA celebration & Sen Harkin visit (Bri) – Disabilities Services Coordinating Committee Collaboration City of Iowa ($1000 donation)
- Fire alarm testing at Boyd tower at UHIC – loud noises for long times and triggers – check with Megan and Elizabeth for FM and fire alarm systems.
- Nominations for, or your personal interest for CDA Leadership roles. (Michael) – Announcing new call list for recommendations or nominations (selections at next meeting)
- Co-Chair
- Treasurer
- Social media
- Secretary
Planning (Spring remainder meetings - through May 2024):
- UI to Embark on 10-Year Facilities Master Plan – what’s CDA’s role?
- Any agenda items to add? Contact Michael or Bri
Action Items (before next meeting):
-Michael & David planning an action committee for snow removal.
Next meeting: Friday, April 26th, 2024, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM (CST)
Submitted by David Rooney, March 24, 2024