CDA Meeting Minutes for 5-22-2020
Attendance: T.M. Weissenberger, Patti Bahr, Mike Hoenig, Janalyn Moss, Elizabeth Wallace, Jen Knights, Mike Meginnis, Brad Ferrier, David Rooney.
- Brad shared that Cueponi Cihuatl Espinoza Madrigal had requested funding for the disability graduation reception. $100 was provided. This was arranged in coordination with Alex Brannaman and Steven Edwards.
- Mike Hoenig shared that he and Brad had done an accessibility review for an exhibit at the museum.
- This led to a broader discussion of accessibility and museum design.
- Patti shared that she has been doing curriculum development with folks on the East coast using the “Teams” platform. This platform has automatic closed captioning. There was a discussion of some challenges in using Teams. ITS is still getting used to the platform.
- Mike Meginnis discussed his use of the YouTube closed captioning features.
- Mike will share out a brief summary description of his workflows for YouTube.
- T.M. shared that he has been consulting with Office of Strategic Communications, in collaboration with Mike Hoenig.
- T.M. reports observing increased interest in accessibility issues. Mike observed increased buy-in from various stakeholders as well.
- Mike Hoenig shared that he has been collaborating with others in working on concerns relating to UIHC and COVID-19 regarding accessibility and equity.
- This lead to a broader discussion of the way that current events can lead to new opportunities for thinking about and enhancing accessibility on campus.
- CDA elections:
- The CDA bylaws require that members must attend two meetings to become voting members, and that only voting members may be formally elected to positions in CDA.
- Jen Knights and Brad Ferrier were nominated to continue in their respective current positions as PR coordinator and treasurer.
- Jen Knights and Brad Ferrier were elected to continue in these roles.
- Patti Bahr nominated herself and Mike Hoenig to serve as co-chairs. Mike Hoenig suggested that Patti serve in this role, and that T.M. continue in his current role as co-chair.
- Patti Bahr and T.M. Weissenberger were elected to serve as co-chairs.
- Mike Meginnis self-nominated for secretary.
- Mike was elected to this position.
- Website management will be a joint responsibility of the CDA officers.
- There was a discussion of good uses for the remainder of the CDA budget.
- Possibly could be used to fund captioning services for others in the university.
- Could be used to help Orientation Services as well—T.M. will follow up with them.