T. Matthew Weissenberger, (he/him/his)
Todd Matthew (T.M.) Weissenberger (he/him/his) has been a member of the Council on Disability Awareness since 2012, serving as co-chair from 2018 to 2021. Professionally, he is located in the Information Security and Policy Office as Digital Accessibility Coordinator.
Prior to returning to his alma mater, T.M. had been IT Support Manager at the University of New Mexico Center for Development and Disability, a University Center of Excellence in Developmental Disability education, research, and service. From 1998 to 2011, he also was a Senior Instructor at the University of New Mexico Division of Continuing Education, where he developed and led personal and professional development courses in the Digital Arts Program, including early courses on web accessibility. As an educator, T.M. has offered certificate courses in Office productivity, network engineering, web and graphic design.
T.M. is past co-chair of the Big Ten Academic Alliance CIOs IT Accessibility Group (2018-2022), and the Unizin Teaching and Learning Technologies Accessibility subgroup (2017-2021). In 2017, he was a recipient of the University of Iowa's Diversity Catalyst Award.
T.M lives in Iowa City with his wife and son.